viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Where to Type Spanish Accents Online

First, a brief moment to say WOOT!! I get to help prepare lesson materials for my previous Spanish class, so I will continue to be involved in using the language and I now have lots of excuses to create more posts on Spanish learning resources.  I have a list of topics that I am hoping to cover on my Online Spanish Resources page (see link above what you are reading) and I'm now working on Word of the Day websites and services.

But, one thing on my resource list that I feel like I should cover right now is a website that enables you to type in Spanish, with all of the accent marks and punctuation. Typing in Spanish involves several technical adjustments on your computer which depends upon which software you have and which system you have. I don't have much information that will be helpful on these issues because I have a Lenovo Thinkpad and, while I love it mostly, it doesn't have a numeric keyboard, which many foreign language writing programs depend upon. I could change my keyboard, but there's a learning curve for using it that I've been too busy to deal with.

Excuses, excuses. Anyway, the quick version of this post is:

Try using the Spanish language version of Type It. It gives you a place to enter a lot of text, and there are keyboard shortcuts for typing accents, so that once you learn them you can keep up a pretty good pace.  I tend to cut and paste often when I use it, just in case something gets lost, but the site has a feature that lets you recover things if you go off the page for some reason. Also there isn't a lot of obnoxious formatting that accompanies your text when you cut and paste (Google Translate  brings along all kinds of unwanted stuff, at least on my system).

I see that they now have an inexpensive version you can buy and set up on your own PC. Once I get more room, I will do that, because this program makes me very happy.  Not only can you type Spanish, but quite a few other languages (with characters similar to English, no Arabic or Hindi or anything), symbols, math processing characters and the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), which will make the linguist in my family very happy.

So happy that I haven't done a search for other programs, but I will soon.  A lot of random text here, and in English to boot. All you need is the link above.  The rest is just a bit of happy burbling.

Oh, and here's what it looks like:

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