lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Los Quehaceres Para Estudiar Espanol

draft in English. oh, well, lets just keep it in English for now and post it....

Here are the things I will continue doing in the Spring to practice Spanish on my own.

1. Keep reading books: Harry Potter, Francisco Jimenez
2. Keep subscribing to and reading Spanish language Facebook pages. Can I group them in some way?
3. Keep watching movies. Eventually go back over some with Spanish/Spanish rather than Spanish/English subtitles.
4. Watch Spanish language craft/animal videos on Youtube.
5. Figure out what to do in Puerto Vallarta and Oaxaca City.
6. Keep marking Harry Potter and other study words on WordLang and Export 3 fields: Original, Translation, Example with Original inserted. Add to Flashcard Machine list and clean up formatting.
7. Keep adding to grammar notes on Flashcard Machine.
8. Actually study these things on computer or phone while waiting.
9. Help Ann MacCormick with whatever needs doing. YES!!
10. Collect more songs, learn how to sing a few.
11. Listen to the radio as much as you can stand. Try to find stations on the computer to listen to.
12. Find some online speaking venue?
13. Date a native speaker, ha ha.... (a patient native speaker)
14. Write art and other essays for this blog.
15. Weekly review of online Spanish language news, spoken and written.
16. Create some sort of grammar/vocabulary drills.
17. Start a "page" in this blog to list online Spanish language resources. Sort by type.
18. Find some Spanish language craft/fish/garden/nature blogs.
19. Use a Spanish language recipe and report my success here.
20. Guest bloggers?
21. Word of the Day from SpanishDictionary has good, brief sentence examples. Continue copying these on to Flashcard Machine and keep going back to previous months/years.

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